Written by Alerona
Technical Editor Radagor
War is not female
folk wisdom
General principles
The attack is always individual, the defense is always collective.
The ground attack is always directed at the enemy’s city, and is always carried out by the troops of one city.
Protection of the city may include the following troops:
- Own troops of the city;
- City militia;
- Units of other cities sent as reinforcements.
Fighting can occur in two modes: (a) storming the city, (b) fighting in the area of the city. The combat mode is determined depending on where it is possible to form the largest detachment, in the city or outside the city. The size of the largest unit in the area is defined as the size of the largest unit sent as reinforcement.
Damage and protection
Each unit has one type of damage and several types of protection. The total damage is calculated based on the type of damage of our unit and the type of protection of the enemy unit. The same unit can inflict significantly more (or less) damage, depending on which opponent he is fighting.
The maximum size of the detachment in the city (hereinafter referred to as the Garrison) is equal to the sum of the size of the city’s own army, city militia, and the city’s CULTURE (in the future, a parameter from the city fortifications will be added here – approx. editor). The number of city militias is zero when the size of the city is less than 200 inhabitants, and 10% of the POPULATION of the city, if the size is more than 200.
Detachment size is calculated as the sum of the population spent on all the soldiers included in this squad.
During the implementation of the battle, a garrison is formed in the city: a combined detachment consisting of (a) its own detachment of the city, (b) city militia and (c) reinforcement detachments, sorted in ascending order in size not exceeding the size of the city’s culture. In other words, the Garrison first enters the smallest detachment, then the second (larger), then the third (even larger), and so on, while the culture allows. As soon as a situation arises that the addition of the Nth detachment will lead to an excess of the number of reinforcements in the Garrison over the culture of this city — the detachments are no longer added. N-th squad will not be added either.
The losses of the Garrison after the battle are divided in proportion to the size of all units.
Victory and defeat
The victory of the attacking army is the complete destruction of the defense (of the Garrison or Field Army). The victory of the defense is counted if at least one defense warrior has survived after the battle. In case of victory of the attacking army, robbery, destruction of buildings and seven Egyptian executions are applied to the city (no joke! Though …). After which the attacking army returns.
The battle always takes place in the form of: the attacking army against the army of defense. In the case of the Garrison, the defense army may be assembled from different units, but at the time of the battle they act as a single army.
In the event that the attacking army wins over the Field Army (outside the city), a new attack cycle can begin, if the losses of the attacking army are less critical. Otherwise, the squad returns. However, this is not yet implemented.
A fighter dies if he is dealt damage greater than 50% of his health. Damage inflicted less than 50% at the end of the fight is zeroed out, and is not transferred to the next fight. Under the fight means the sequence of fights inside the round, for example: an attack group can consistently fight with Attack, Reserve, Arrows – these are three different fights.
Course of battle
The fight is divided into 9 rounds: 0 (preparatory), and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (combat).
Troops are divided into seven battle groups:
- Attack;
- Reserve;
- Arrows;
- Left Fang;
- Right Flank;
- Left Maneuver;
- Right Maneuver.
Troops have five combat missions Attack, Reserve, Arrows, Flank, Maneuver. Troops are placed on the battlefield in accordance with the tactics. In the Left Maneuver and Right Maneuver combat group, you can place troops only with the combat bypass task. In the remaining combat groups, you can put troops with any combat missions. However, the special capabilities of the group (bonuses) will be available only to troops whose combat group and combat mission coincide.
Types of special features of the group:
- Attack combat bonus;
- Reserve combat bonus;
- Flanking blow;
- Rear attack;
- Shelling.
Any damage (except firing) is mutual.
Initiative. At the beginning of each round, each combat group takes an initiative equal to 100%, which it spends for causing damage or retaliatory damage. Simply put,% initiative is% damage that a group can do (although this is not always the case).
Focusing. If during the shooting of the Arrows only one unit is available for causing damage, then all damage is done to the available unit. Example: the enemy does not have a reserve, but there are arrows. All damage to our shooters will go to the arrows of the enemy, even that which should be spent on the Reserve.
Round 0
A group of attacks and reserves is being built. They get a combat bonus: damage reduction by 80% and 60%.
Round 1
- The arrows make an extraordinary shelling of the Attack and Reserve groups of the enemy, with a distribution of damage of 60% and 20%, respectively. The remaining 20% go into the milk…
- Groups Attack fighting among themselves. In the event of the victory of one group of Attack (and the destruction of the other), the battle proceeds consistently with (a) the Reserve, (b) the Arrows, (c) the Left Flank, (d) the Right Flank of the opponent.
- Arrows are firing at the enemy’s Reserve and Arrows, with a damage distribution of 60% by 20%. Please note that the Arrows may have spent the initiative earlier, as a consequence of the attack of the Attack group. In this case, shelling will not be.
NB! Currently this item is not implemented. In the first round, arrows shoot only once, at the beginning. Shelling on the Reserve and Arrows will occur only if the unspent initiative remains. In the future, they will do two full shelling in the first round.
- In case the enemy’s Reserve and Arrows are destroyed, but our Arrows still have the Initiative, they shoot Flangs: 40% to the left, and 40% to the right (and 20% again! Well, how is that?).
Round 2
- Groups Attack fighting among themselves. In the event of the victory of one group of Attack (and the destruction of the other), the battle proceeds consistently with (a) the Reserve, (b) the Arrows, (c) the Left Flank, (d) the Right Flank of the opponent.
- Shooters are firing at the enemy’s Reserve and Arrows , with a damage distribution of 60% by 20%.
- In case the enemy’s Reserve and Arrows are destroyed, but our Arrows still have the Initiative, they shoot Flangs: 40% left, and 40% right.
- If the Flanks run out, but the initiative is still there, the Arrows are firing into the thick of the battle: 60% in the group of the Attack of the enemy and 20 in their own. It would be better to miss!
Round 3
- The rounds attack the flanks (the left round is the right flank and vice versa).
- Groups Attack fighting among themselves. In the event of the victory of one group of Attack (and the destruction of the other), the battle proceeds consistently with (a) the Reserve, (b) the Arrows, (c) the Left Flank, (d) the Right Flank of the opponent. Since rounds appeared, another (d) Left Maneuver is added, (e) Right Maneuver.
- If Detours defeated “their” Flank, they attack consistently:
- Right Maneuver – Arrows, Reserve, Attack, Right Flank, Right Bypass, Left Maneuver.
- Left Maneuver – Arrows, Reserve, Attack, Left Flank, Left Maneuver, Right Maneuver.
- Arrows are firing at the enemy’s Reserve and Arrows , with a damage distribution of 60% by 20%.
- In case the enemy’s Reserve and Arrows are destroyed, but our Arrows still have the Initiative, they shoot Flangs: 40% left, and 40% right.
- If the Flanks run out, but the initiative is still there, the Arrows are firing into the thick of the battle: 60% for the enemy group and 20 for their own. But in this cycle, at first the damage goes on rounds (starting from the right), and only then on the group of Attack.
- And at the very end, the Flanks (if they are alive and if they have the initiative at least a little more than zero) make a flank attack on the Attack group. The power of the flank strike is equal to x2 initiative + that very little. Participate in flank attack only troops with a combat mission Flank (blue). If at least one soldier died as a result of a flanking strike from the enemy, the build bonus is removed from the enemy Attack group. Otherwise, they will have this bonus until the end of the battle. Please note that any non-blue troops deployed in Flank will not participate in the flank attack. They are not taught to do it.
Round 4
- Rebuilding:
- If Flang won his own round in the previous round, he will join the Attack group.
- The reserve goes into the Attack group. If there is not a single unit in the Reserve with a combat mission Reserve (green), then the Attack group gets Exhaustion: the damage is reduced by 50% until the end of the battle.
- The rounds attack the flanks (the left round is the right flank and vice versa).
- Groups Attack fighting among themselves. In the event of the victory of one group of Attack (and the destruction of the other), the battle proceeds in succession with (a) the Arrows, (b) the Left Flank, (c) the Right Flank of the opponent, (d) the Left Maneuver, (e) the Right Maneuver. Note: There is no reserve anymore, he joined the Attack.
- If Detours defeated “their” Flank, they attack consistently:
- Right Maneuver – Arrows, Attack, Right Flank, Right Maneuver, Left Maneuver.
- Left Maneuver – Arrows, Attack, Left Flank, Left Maneuver, Right Maneuver.
- Arrows are firing at the enemy shooters, with a distribution of 80% damage.
- In case the enemy’s shooters are destroyed, but our shooters still have the Initiative, they shoot Flangs: 40% left, and 40% right.
- If the Flanks run out, but the initiative is still there, the Arrows are firing into the thick of the battle: 60% for the enemy group and 20 for their own. But in this cycle, at first the damage goes on rounds (starting from the right), and only then on the group of Attack.
- The flanks make a flank strike (see Clause 7, Round 3).
Rounds 5-8
- Rebuilding:
- The flanks go to the Attack group, if in previous rounds they were not killed Maneuver.
- The rounds attack the flanks (the left round is the right flank and vice versa).
- Groups Attack fighting among themselves. In the event of the victory of one group of Attack (and the destruction of the other), the battle proceeds in succession with (a) the Arrows, (b) the Left Flank, (c) the Right Flank of the opponent, (d) the Left Maneuver, (e) the Right Maneuver.
- If Detours defeated “their” Flank, they attack consistently:
- Right Maneuver – Arrows, Attack, Right Flank, Right Maneuver, Left Maneuver.
- Left Maneuver – Arrows, Attack, Left Flank, Left Maneuver, Right Maneuver.
- Shooters are firing at the enemy shooters, with a distribution of 80% damage.
- In case the enemy’s shooters are destroyed, but our shooters still have the Initiative, they shoot Flangs: 40% left, and 40% right.
- If the Flanks run out, but the initiative is still there, the Arrows are firing into the thick of the battle: 60% for the enemy group and 20 for their own. But in this cycle, at first the damage goes on rounds (starting from the right), and only then on the group of Attack.
- The flanks make a flank strike (see Clause 7, Round 3).
Tactics of battle assigned to the squad / army or the city. The attack army and the field defense army will fight according to the tactics of the squad. The garrison will fight according to the tactics of the city appointed by the owner of the city. Tactics assigned to individual units of the Garrison will not be used.